Part 70: Sweet Ride
Chapter 69 - Sweet Ride

Welcome home Tifa.

We need to get our priorities straight. Also, Yuffie is drooling on the ground.

Well I'm glad in Gaia you can acquire Airships for free! Did you know car prices in Brazil are extraordinarily high?

Given how the average Brazilian citizen makes from two to four times less than his American counterpart and cars here cost over twice as much, if you're a car owner you can now do the math yourself!

In fact, people like to attribute the ridiculous price to taxes. But we know taxes are just half the problem.

If you're a trader, a merchant, a seller - anything lower than a 100% profit margin in Brazil is just absurd. I mean, what's the point in selling things then, right?

This whole situation makes me sick too, Yuffie.

Anyway, the thing is - it's early Christmas and we now have an amazing, gigantic airship.

I specially like how the game narrator becomes Tifa and we're just now finding out what's going on with the rest of the party.

In other words, Cait Sith finally did something useful.

And I was beginning to wonder what was the point in having a double agent.


Well screw you, I'm enjoying the fact we now have a kickass airship.

But in case it wasn't subtle enough, Tifa's mourning Cloud. That's why she's got excited about "everyone being there". Everyone in this case meant Cloud.

It's really screwed up when you're significantly weaker because you don't have a lunatic mutant who's manipulated by a more powerful lunatic mutant aiding you.

I was somewhat surprised to find out Cloud was not here the first time I played.

I thought it would be nice to get to see him at the Airship again. Again, this is something I like in this game.

It has lighthearted fun, but it's also bleak.

Well, no shit. You guys are wanted criminals sentenced to death, and you just stole a huge airship from the World Government.

Oh for fuck's sake Tifa.

I like whoever mentioned how this situation is mostly Tifa's fault.

She pulled an extremely unstable guy into this. It's all sorts of fucked up.

It's, again, an example of how Tifa and Aeris are different. Aeris is the motherly figure. She told Cloud everything was alright and took care of the group. She always knew something was going on and wanted to protect the gang from it.

Tifa acted based on her childhood crush. She wanted Cloud to get fixed, but as we now know, the Cloud she's been with might not be the Cloud she knew anymore.

And the reason it makes her a good character is because all these horrible personality flaws exist. She's acting like a really fucked up person, which makes sense because all these characters, in their ficticious universe, lived really fucked up lives.

In the end, it's the first time the crew can catch a break, and Tifa has no strength to cheer about it. Because while it's a really cool moment for us (YAY WE GOT AN AIRSHIP)...

She's just barely escaped alive from a psychotic woman who was hellbent on killing her. She pulled her lunatic childhood crush into what ended up being a plot to doom the world. There's a gigantic meteor en route to wipe out civilization. She's a wanted criminal in the entire planet. There are gigantic monsters blowing everything up.

Yea, we're all right.

You can also get to talk to the rest of the crew.

Just chit-chat.

I want some information Shinra.

Damn Cid I was worried about your approval but now that I just heard that I'm ok.


Yea Cid I was there stop judging meee.

"Fine, I admit it, I hated that guy."

For fuck's sake.

That sure made her feel comfortable, Cid.

It's not the optimal path but it seems like a reasonable goal.

Well ain't that convenient.

They're called VOLCANOES.

I think Barret's onto something here. Look where that guy got us last time.

What if Cloud had never joined AVALANCHE? Share your view of what would have happened. Let's Butterfly Effect this shit.

She went to the City of Ancients and got impaled.

I love Cid.

"Don't forget to equip your materias and buy the latest equipment."

"I shall perform the sex change operation myself."

This entire affair reminds me of FF6, though. Both have games have a female ish protagonist who disappears after the world goes to shit and you have to play with a secondary female protagonist.

Let's go with Team-Does-Not-Want-To-Find-Cloud.

You might be wondering what is that Chocobo room. We'll get to that later.

Man this part of the game sure has dialogues. How long has it been since our last boss fight?

Anyway, I think this bit of optional dialogue is relevant, since, well, no one told us what happened.

Ah, that reminds me of better times. Barret dressed as a marshmellow. Jenova going Horror-Movie on that boat.

Those were better times. Simpler times.

"What did I do with my life?"
"Why am I walking with these bozos?"
"Why didn't I marry her?"

Now we know it's personal.

These guys got scammed.

In all fairness your leaders were a scam too.

There you go guys, the complete script on how we stole an airship. Cid is a con artist who scammed a bunch of guys into joining us and Heidegger is incompetent.

We also get instructions on how to fly the ship. Yes, we'll fly it manually, and it's awesome.

In the meanwhile the pilot just got a whole new level. We're off to a good start.

Talking to Red, we have clues to our next location.

Oh now you're just screwing with us.

The Jenova Indocrination Theory.

To boldly go where no man, stuffed toy or talking cat has gone before.

And with this, we conclude this update.
Screwing around with a giant airship! Awesome music! Not finding Cloud!